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We used the product above. But you can view more Doors, Windows & Trim products.

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Available Exclusively at Menard’s

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Step 1:

Remove door hardware and wipe doors with clean, damp cloth to prepare painting surface.

Step 2:

Lay down the drop cloth to protect floors; affix painter's tape around doorframe and over hinges; apply pressure to tape to ensure a tight seal.

Step 3: 

Paint the door(s) by first using the angled brush to paint the panels and molding and then use mini woven roller to paint the remaining areas.

Step 4:

Remove painter's tape while paint is still damp; allow paint to dry 24 hours.

Step 5: 

Determine first arc position on the door by measuring outward from the bottom corner of the door to determine the radius; measure and cut a piece of string the same length.

Step 6:

Tie one end of string tightly around the pencil and secure the other end to the bottom corner of the door with the thumbtack.

Step 7: 

Keeping string taut, lightly draw an arc that encompasses the door and trim area.

Step 8:

Secure string in the opposite upper corner and repeat steps 6 and 7.

Step 9: 

Using the second color, carefully paint the outline of the arcs freehand with the small angled brush; use the clean, damp cloth to wipe away any mistakes; allow paint to dry 24 hours.

Step 10:

Center stencil over the arc outline; secure the stencil in place with the painter's tape.

Step 11: 

Using the mini foam roller, apply the third color over stencil; carefully lift the stencil after paint application and wipe down after each use. 
Tip: Depending on the arc color and the stencil color, a second coat of paint may be needed for added coverage.

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